My great great grandfather wrote the origin story of Santa Claus.
As our millennium turned twenty, America was new again, we were industrious, inspired, conflicted and still, his stories filled us with hope for our future.
We begin, “America was new to some, but others had been here for centuries...”
At one with nature, Ak, The Master Woodsman of the World, oversees the forests and the sweet immortals who help protect it.
The orphan babe at the edge of the forest is saved by the grace of Ak. He is reared in Burzee with the community of Ryls, Nymphs, Gnomes and Elves, because it takes a village.
In time the child discovers humanity, purpose and The Awgwas who use grown-ups to help them build industry.
The great L. Frank changed our world with his stories and one simple idea. He writes “….of all the things in this world there is nothing more precious than a happy child.” I am honored to share our family story that continues with the Life and Adventures of the American Santa Claus.
~Gregory David

About the Author: Greg Morena
Greg Morena

About the Illustrator: Lane Letourneau
Lane Letourneau